Tři ženy - tři osudy Villa Stiassny, Brno, With {OH} Orkiestra Historyczna, 2015 Photo credits: Marek Olbrzymek

G.F. Handel - Armida abbandonata, as part of the IFTR theatre conference, 2016 Musical director - Mark Tatlow Drottningholm slott theatre

Les Baroquiales Festival 2018, Sospel. Le Jardin des Plaisirs Photo credits: Remy Masseglia / Lez'art Creation 2018

Role of Colette in Rousseau's 'Le Devin du Village', in Confidencen theatre, June 2019 Photo credits: Eva Frykevall

Melpomene: Laila Cathleen Neuman Euterpe: Julia Meingaßner Erato und Inszenierung: Margit Legler Musikalische Leitung: Reinhold Kubik (Salzburg 2009)

Rousseau's Pygmalion in Česky' Krumlov castle theatre. Galathée - Laila Cathleen Neuman, Pygmalion - João Luis Paixão Photo credits: Libor Sváček, 2015

Tři ženy - tři osudy Villa Stiassny, Brno, 2015 Photo credits: Marek Olbrzymek

Melpomene: Laila Cathleen Neuman Apollo: Anna Maria Antonius Wierød Euterpe: Maria Mailund Heuer Erato und Inszenierung: Margit Legler Musikalische Leitung: Reinhold Kubik Foto: Reinhold Kubik (Helsingor Aarhus, Danmark 2012)

Laila Cathleen Neuman in the role of Melpomene Foto: Reinhold Kubik, 2009

Didone - Laila Cathleen Neuman Aeneas - Armin Gramer Iarba - Roman Hoza {oh!} Orkiestra Historyczna! Photo credits: Magdalena Halas

Lady Lavinia- Laila Cathleen Neuman Chevalier de Tourville: Jean-Sébastien Beauvais Theorbo and Lute: Jan Cizmar Traverso: Marta Kratochvílová Kunin Castle, Czech Republic, 2015 Photo credits: Jiří Fiala

Didone Abbandonata, Domenico Sarri Didone - Laila Cathleen Neuman Iarba - Roman Hoza {oh!} Orkiestra

Laila Cathleen Neuman,role of Atalanta Johanna Kapelari, role of Asteria Stage Director: Margit Legler M.O.I. Production, Salzburg, 2014 Photo:Margit Legler

Melpomene: Laila Cathleen Neuman Apollo: Anna Maria Antonius Wierød Euterpe: Maria Mailund Heuer Erato und Inszenierung: Margit Legler Musikalische Leitung: Reinhold Kubik Foto, Reinhold Kubik (Sostrop, Danemark 2012)

Laila Cathleen Neuman in the role of Lucille Leriot Milano, Italy, 20122 a 'Convivio d'Arte' production

With the Philadephus Ensembe and Jean-Sébastien Beauvais, countertenor. Oostzaan, Netherlands 2013

With the Philadelphus Ensemble Oostzaan, Netherlands 2012

Songs and Mad Songs from Shakespeare's time, With Javier Ovejero Mayoral, theorbo. Museum Geelvinck, Amsterdam 2013